Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Official Date For My BIG CHOP!

So, I've finally decided when I'm going to totally get rid of my relaxed hair. I plan to chop it in December!!! Yea I know, it's gonna be kind of chilly. But then again, I am in Texas; it could very well still be about 100 degrees in December down here. By the time I chop it off, I will have had 6 months worth of new growth. Hopefully that will be enough to sport a nice-sized TWA =) But if not, I'll probably put it back in braids or put in a sew-in. All I know is that I'm sooooooooooo ready to be relaxer-free. I'll probably be in total shock (and maybe even cry lol), but I'm sure I'll get over it quickly like I do with everything else. 4 more months to go!!!!! <3 <3 <3

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

I Did It!!!!

I FINALLY FINISHED MY HAIR!!!!!!! That was one of the most exhausting and interesting things that I have done in my life. Although I can barely feel my fingers, I have to say I really enjoyed the entire process. It took me awhile to get the hang of adding the extensions, but once I got it down, I was on a roll. And it turned out pretty good for my first time. I'll probably end up having to re-do it in a few weeks though. But oh well. Practice makes perfect!! I'm not going to write a long blog today because I need to go work out before it gets too late and I get lazy lol. Oh yeah, and just a side-note: I absolutely love that now all I have to do with my hair when I work out is pull it back in a pony tail =) Braids are AMAZING. <3

Monday, July 18, 2011

My Attempt At Box Braiding My Hair

What's up guys!!! I am sooooooo excited right now!!! Why you ask?? Because I am getting ready to box braid my hair! I have been spending the last few weeks trying to decide what the heck I was going to do with my hair while it was transitioning. I was thinking about going to my beautician to put it in a weave or braids or something. But then I looked at my bank account and realized that wasn't gonna happen lol.  So I decided to roll up my sleeves and braid my hair myself. I just got back from picking up some Emotion Braiding Hair for $30. (It would have been $15, but I bought 2 packs. I have some really thick hair!) And now, I just finished conditioning my hair with the VO5 Herbal Escapes Strengthening Conditioner. If you are not up on this conditioner, you are missing out. You can find it at Walmart for $0.95!! It smells so good and leaves my hair feeling very very soft. I am going to let my hair air dry for a little bit and probably blow dry it so I can get started on these braids. It's going to take me ALL day, but I am ready for the challenge. So I will definitely return with pictures of the finished product as soon as possible! <3

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Just A Little Introduction

Hey guys! This is my very first hair blog, so it might be a little rough right now. But I promise, it will get better as I take ya'll on this journey with me to relaxer-free hair! I truly decided to transition about a month ago after realizing that my hair still looked great even though I hadn't relaxed it in 2 1/2 months! So I was like, "What the heck! I might as well just keep going without the relaxer." And I must say, I am loving it! I can already see my beautiful natural hair trying to break free. Now don't get me wrong. By no means do I have the wavy or curly hair. You know, the "Jennifer Nicole Freeman" hair.I can already tell that my natural hair is going to be very kinky, thick and a little frightening to comb through lol. But I am so excited to see the texture that I was born with. I have only seen my natural hair in baby pictures, before I began using the relaxer at the age of 4 =( And man, was it long, thick and beautiful. (Think Rudy Huxtable from the Cosby Show) And guess what? When I relaxed it, I lost all of that length. It took me years to grow it back. You would think I'd be afraid to start over huh? Well honestly, I was at first, but then I realized...ITS JUST HAIR! So now I am ready to go back to the healthier, thicker and beautiful hair that I had before I started using the "creamy crack". I hope ya'll are ready too because it's going to be a long, scary, but fulfilling journey. Feel free to leave comments, ask questions, or even share your hair journeys on my blog! Until next time <3