Sunday, July 17, 2011

Just A Little Introduction

Hey guys! This is my very first hair blog, so it might be a little rough right now. But I promise, it will get better as I take ya'll on this journey with me to relaxer-free hair! I truly decided to transition about a month ago after realizing that my hair still looked great even though I hadn't relaxed it in 2 1/2 months! So I was like, "What the heck! I might as well just keep going without the relaxer." And I must say, I am loving it! I can already see my beautiful natural hair trying to break free. Now don't get me wrong. By no means do I have the wavy or curly hair. You know, the "Jennifer Nicole Freeman" hair.I can already tell that my natural hair is going to be very kinky, thick and a little frightening to comb through lol. But I am so excited to see the texture that I was born with. I have only seen my natural hair in baby pictures, before I began using the relaxer at the age of 4 =( And man, was it long, thick and beautiful. (Think Rudy Huxtable from the Cosby Show) And guess what? When I relaxed it, I lost all of that length. It took me years to grow it back. You would think I'd be afraid to start over huh? Well honestly, I was at first, but then I realized...ITS JUST HAIR! So now I am ready to go back to the healthier, thicker and beautiful hair that I had before I started using the "creamy crack". I hope ya'll are ready too because it's going to be a long, scary, but fulfilling journey. Feel free to leave comments, ask questions, or even share your hair journeys on my blog! Until next time <3


  1. Welcome aboard, this beautiful journey!. Enjoy every moment:))

    Take care,


  2. I am excited about following along with you on your hair journey. I am hoping that you will give me the courage to start my own journey.

  3. I have always said you should go natural. You have your dad's thick, black, naturally beautiful hair (lol). Perms are man-made poisons. Black women wonder why they have acne, skin problems, and hair loss. When I was young, prior to the greasy curl, I had a smooth acne free face. The day I decided to apply the S-Curl (medium-strength of course)my acne problems exploded! I looked like I had the measles or something. I returned to the natural shag cut and things cleared up almost immediately. Stop poisoning yourself black women. Your hair is naturally beautiful...just be sure to comb it.

  4. Thanks for the support! I LOVE YOU GUYS!!! =)

  5. I'm excited to follow you on your journey. When I went natural back in the day people gasped in horror. No support at all. I'm hoping to get some great tips since now going natural is en vogue.

    Cousin Paula

  6. Thanks Paula! I'm excited (and a little nervous). But I have so much support now that I think I will make it. And yes, it seems like more people are catching on to the "going natural" thing. I really think that's awesome that you were still able to go natural with very little support. I hope I can be as strong and fearless as you! Love you cousin =)

  7. Go for it a lot of beautiful black women are taking that journey back to their natural hair roots my daughter is in her natural stage and loving it.
