Thursday, August 18, 2011

First Few Days With My Big Chop

Wow! These past couple of days have been VERY interesting! I made it through my first day back at work with all my hair chopped off. Of course, I got a lot of stares and "Why did you cut your hair???" questions. I can tell a lot of people were shocked, especially all of my customers I waited on. It was kind of funny to see their reaction when they actually looked up from their menu to see this chick with pretty much no hair talking to them lol! But after all of the initial shock from my co-workers and customers died down, I actually received a lot of compliments. I could tell some people didn't really like it, but I could CARE LESS!!! I absolutely LOVE my hair. It's so much easier to deal with and I feel so much lighter and cooler in this crazy summer heat. I will NEVER go back to relaxed, straight hair again. Straight hair is so BORING and not very versatile at all. There's so many styles I can't wait to try once my hair grows out!! I'm going to have so much fun. Oh yea, my Vlog (video blog for all you social media illiterate folks lol) on Youtube should be up and running very, very soon! Until next time! <3

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