Sunday, August 7, 2011

Only One Thing Stopping Me From My BC

No, its not friends, family, or boyfriends. It's my job = ( Well, it's not really stopping me per say. But it's delaying me. Before I started my new job as a waitress, I wasn't going to let ANYTHING deter me from doing the big chop. But now I realize that image plays a huge role in regards to how much money I will make, since most of my money will be coming from tips. It's already bad enough that I'm one of the only 2 black folks working in the restaurant. So add the fact that I'll be rocking my afro (looking like I came straight out of the Black Power movement lol). I'm not quite sure how my customers will react to that. And usually, I would not give a CRAP about what others think. I still don't actually. But it's not about that. It's about my money. And the sad but true fact is that attractive people will probably get the better tips. And by no means am I saying that natural hair is not attractive because I think that natural hair is the most BEAUTIFUL THING ON THIS EARTH!!! But see, most people do not think like I do. They are going to see my beautiful afro and think it's nappy and ugly. However, I might just go ahead and chop it, because I'm actually curious to see the difference. Right now, I'm rocking the long micro braids, and everyone compliments me and tells me I'm pretty and crap like that at work. I'm curious to see if the comments will be the same once I show up to work with my TWA lol! I can't wait. And you know what??? Who cares what the customers think. If they don't tip me because they don't like my hair, then oh well I guess. On to the next one. I'm gonna get mine, no matter what ;)  <3 <3 <3


  1. I understand completely and have struggled with trying to have a more "acceptable" look for employers. The fact is...I'm Black and I rock a fro, braids, or twists. I do not have long straight hair and to expect so is ignorant. Patrice, you are a beautiful young woman whether you have a fro, are ball headed, or have relaxed straight hair. Most importantly, you are smart and that is what's going to make you successful.


  2. Thank you so much Paula! I can't wait to see you again so we can talk in person about our natural hair experiences. Hopefully this Thanksgiving????

  3. Hopefully so! :o)

    P.S. I don't know how to keep this thing from saying anonymous.


  4. There should be a drop down menu underneath the comment box, next to the words "comment as". Then choose the "Name/URL" option and you should be able to put your name :)

  5. ohhhhhh okay. Thanks. :0I
