Saturday, August 20, 2011

Coming Into My Own Now

I am LOVING my hair!!! Like really loving it! I'm starting to figure out what products my hair likes and dislikes. And the curls are starting to become more and more defined. I'm so excited!!! And on top of that, I've never received so many compliments about my hair, even when I was relaxed. All day at work I received compliments about my hair, now that everyone is getting used to it. And I'm glad too! Although all that ultimately matters is what I think about my hair, receiving positive feedback from others is just icing on the cake!!! I am soooo happy about my decision to do the Big Chop! =)

Thursday, August 18, 2011

First Few Days With My Big Chop

Wow! These past couple of days have been VERY interesting! I made it through my first day back at work with all my hair chopped off. Of course, I got a lot of stares and "Why did you cut your hair???" questions. I can tell a lot of people were shocked, especially all of my customers I waited on. It was kind of funny to see their reaction when they actually looked up from their menu to see this chick with pretty much no hair talking to them lol! But after all of the initial shock from my co-workers and customers died down, I actually received a lot of compliments. I could tell some people didn't really like it, but I could CARE LESS!!! I absolutely LOVE my hair. It's so much easier to deal with and I feel so much lighter and cooler in this crazy summer heat. I will NEVER go back to relaxed, straight hair again. Straight hair is so BORING and not very versatile at all. There's so many styles I can't wait to try once my hair grows out!! I'm going to have so much fun. Oh yea, my Vlog (video blog for all you social media illiterate folks lol) on Youtube should be up and running very, very soon! Until next time! <3

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

The Morning After

Well, today is my first day after the shock of my Big Chop, and I STILL feel great and love it. As soon as I chopped my hair, I went out and bought all these products that I've been researching about for the past 3 months (the Hair section in Walmart will be my new home from now on lol). I'm experimenting with the Wash and Go style right now, since about all I can do with my hair at this moment =) I actually love that all I have to do is dampen my hair, put some moisturizers in it, comb it out a little and go. It's amazing!!! I can kind of see my natural curls. I can't wait until the months go by and I start seeing growth so I can begin experimenting with the two-strand twists, twist-outs and afro-puffs! But for now, I'm going to be patient and enjoy the journey because it's going to be a long one. However, today will mark the first of many trials that I will have to overcome during this journey: my first day back at work with my new 'do. I'm not really nervous, I just don't feel like answering all the questions and confused looks that I'm sure I'm about to get today. Oh well. All I have to do is get through today, let everyone get over the initial shock, and things will get back to normal. Wish me luck ! <3 <3 <3

P.S. I'm going to start blogging about my natural hair journey on YouTube very very soon, so be on the look out for that!! Also, here are some pics =)

Monday, August 15, 2011

I Just Did The BIG CHOP!

I can't believe I actually went through with it! After I took my box braids down last night and saw all my new growth, I was like, "I'm gonna do it!" So I told my family that I was going to chop it in the morning. My mom kind of freaked out lol. And my brother didn't think I was really going to do it. I think that's what pushed me the most actually. When people don't believe I can do something, it makes me more determined to do it. I think I was more excited than nervous though. I couldn't even really sleep last night. I kept waking up every two hours, looking at my phone to see if it was time to get up and head to the barbershop. I finally got up and got dressed at 10:30, ate some breakfast to give me some energy for the big day (lol) and told my family I was headed to chop off my hair. I was really quiet though because I didn't want anyone to talk me out of it. I took my brother with me for support (yes, the same one who doubted me lol). Then I pulled up to the barbershop, took a deep breath and walked in. All I had to do was tell the barber that I wanted the Big Chop, and the next thing I saw was about 6 inches of relaxed hair falling on the ground in front of me. I didn't cry, back out, scream or anything. I kept looking at my brother to keep me calm, and he kept telling me it was looking good. Finally, the barber edged me up, turned me around and let me look at what I had just let him do. And guess what??? It looked amazing! I don't feel like a boy at all. I actually feel more beautiful, confident, and stronger than I've ever felt before. I'm so happy that I did it and I will never regret it. Now I'm excited to truly embark on this journey to discovering my natural hair!!! <3 <3 <3

P.S.  I'll post pics as soon as possible =)

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Ok...Don't Judge Me :/

So I know that just a couple of days ago I told ya'll I was going to BC my hair next Saturday, and I REALLY want to. However, as much as it kills me to say this, I'm actually thinking about delaying it for another month. I bet you're probably wondering why the heck I'm delaying it if I sound so ready. Well the truth is, it's because of a guy. Yes I know, I shouldn't be basing what I want to do with my hair on what someone else will think about it. But see, I haven't seen him in 3 months, and I would rather not shock him during one of the few times we will be able to see each other this year. Although, I'm going to chop it eventually... Ugh!!! I don't know what to do. Actually, I know what I WANT to do, but there's always something holding me back. I really need to just stop making excuses and do what I want to do. I guess if someone can't accept me with my short natural hair, then I don't need them???

Thursday, August 11, 2011

9 more days!

In exactly 9 MORE DAYS, I will have been without a relaxer for 3 months!!! I am so proud of myself for not giving in to the creamy crack. It does help that I tucked my hair away under these micro braids for about a month. But now I have a dilemma. I'm REALLY, REALLY ready to do the Big Chop. It's getting to the point where I'm beginning to get very anxious and antsy lol. In fact, I may just chop it off on my 3 month anniversary. I'm just so ready to embrace ALL of my natural hair. I'm sick of hiding it or trying to hold on to my damaged relaxed ends. There's no point. I'm gonna to have to get rid of it anyways. So why not just get it over with?? It's not like my hair is super long right now and I'm afraid to lose all the length. I already have a short hair cut, and I even tried out the straw set look (my profile pic) and loved it! So what the heck is stopping me??? I think I'm going to do it!!! Hopefully next Saturday will be the big day =) <3 <3 <3

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Only One Thing Stopping Me From My BC

No, its not friends, family, or boyfriends. It's my job = ( Well, it's not really stopping me per say. But it's delaying me. Before I started my new job as a waitress, I wasn't going to let ANYTHING deter me from doing the big chop. But now I realize that image plays a huge role in regards to how much money I will make, since most of my money will be coming from tips. It's already bad enough that I'm one of the only 2 black folks working in the restaurant. So add the fact that I'll be rocking my afro (looking like I came straight out of the Black Power movement lol). I'm not quite sure how my customers will react to that. And usually, I would not give a CRAP about what others think. I still don't actually. But it's not about that. It's about my money. And the sad but true fact is that attractive people will probably get the better tips. And by no means am I saying that natural hair is not attractive because I think that natural hair is the most BEAUTIFUL THING ON THIS EARTH!!! But see, most people do not think like I do. They are going to see my beautiful afro and think it's nappy and ugly. However, I might just go ahead and chop it, because I'm actually curious to see the difference. Right now, I'm rocking the long micro braids, and everyone compliments me and tells me I'm pretty and crap like that at work. I'm curious to see if the comments will be the same once I show up to work with my TWA lol! I can't wait. And you know what??? Who cares what the customers think. If they don't tip me because they don't like my hair, then oh well I guess. On to the next one. I'm gonna get mine, no matter what ;)  <3 <3 <3

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Natural Hair/Hairstyles Really DO Attract Other Races

So I read a blog a few weeks ago that pretty much said that Naturals tend to attract more attention from other races (i.e., Caucasian, Latino, etc). And it's so weird, because I'm really starting to realize that. Now that I have my braids in, I am being approached more by males of races other than those that are African American. In fact, when I wore my hair relaxed, I was almost NEVER approached by males of other races. I think that is very interesting and kind of cool. Who knew that deciding to go back to my roots would invite so much diversity into my life lol. I really can't wait to truly rock my natural hair. I'm even thinking about doing the Big Chop a little sooner than December. Maybe October/November????? We'll see after I take these braids out in a few weeks so I can figure out how much longer I'll be able to deal with the two different textures <3 <3 <3

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Official Date For My BIG CHOP!

So, I've finally decided when I'm going to totally get rid of my relaxed hair. I plan to chop it in December!!! Yea I know, it's gonna be kind of chilly. But then again, I am in Texas; it could very well still be about 100 degrees in December down here. By the time I chop it off, I will have had 6 months worth of new growth. Hopefully that will be enough to sport a nice-sized TWA =) But if not, I'll probably put it back in braids or put in a sew-in. All I know is that I'm sooooooooooo ready to be relaxer-free. I'll probably be in total shock (and maybe even cry lol), but I'm sure I'll get over it quickly like I do with everything else. 4 more months to go!!!!! <3 <3 <3

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

I Did It!!!!

I FINALLY FINISHED MY HAIR!!!!!!! That was one of the most exhausting and interesting things that I have done in my life. Although I can barely feel my fingers, I have to say I really enjoyed the entire process. It took me awhile to get the hang of adding the extensions, but once I got it down, I was on a roll. And it turned out pretty good for my first time. I'll probably end up having to re-do it in a few weeks though. But oh well. Practice makes perfect!! I'm not going to write a long blog today because I need to go work out before it gets too late and I get lazy lol. Oh yeah, and just a side-note: I absolutely love that now all I have to do with my hair when I work out is pull it back in a pony tail =) Braids are AMAZING. <3

Monday, July 18, 2011

My Attempt At Box Braiding My Hair

What's up guys!!! I am sooooooo excited right now!!! Why you ask?? Because I am getting ready to box braid my hair! I have been spending the last few weeks trying to decide what the heck I was going to do with my hair while it was transitioning. I was thinking about going to my beautician to put it in a weave or braids or something. But then I looked at my bank account and realized that wasn't gonna happen lol.  So I decided to roll up my sleeves and braid my hair myself. I just got back from picking up some Emotion Braiding Hair for $30. (It would have been $15, but I bought 2 packs. I have some really thick hair!) And now, I just finished conditioning my hair with the VO5 Herbal Escapes Strengthening Conditioner. If you are not up on this conditioner, you are missing out. You can find it at Walmart for $0.95!! It smells so good and leaves my hair feeling very very soft. I am going to let my hair air dry for a little bit and probably blow dry it so I can get started on these braids. It's going to take me ALL day, but I am ready for the challenge. So I will definitely return with pictures of the finished product as soon as possible! <3

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Just A Little Introduction

Hey guys! This is my very first hair blog, so it might be a little rough right now. But I promise, it will get better as I take ya'll on this journey with me to relaxer-free hair! I truly decided to transition about a month ago after realizing that my hair still looked great even though I hadn't relaxed it in 2 1/2 months! So I was like, "What the heck! I might as well just keep going without the relaxer." And I must say, I am loving it! I can already see my beautiful natural hair trying to break free. Now don't get me wrong. By no means do I have the wavy or curly hair. You know, the "Jennifer Nicole Freeman" hair.I can already tell that my natural hair is going to be very kinky, thick and a little frightening to comb through lol. But I am so excited to see the texture that I was born with. I have only seen my natural hair in baby pictures, before I began using the relaxer at the age of 4 =( And man, was it long, thick and beautiful. (Think Rudy Huxtable from the Cosby Show) And guess what? When I relaxed it, I lost all of that length. It took me years to grow it back. You would think I'd be afraid to start over huh? Well honestly, I was at first, but then I realized...ITS JUST HAIR! So now I am ready to go back to the healthier, thicker and beautiful hair that I had before I started using the "creamy crack". I hope ya'll are ready too because it's going to be a long, scary, but fulfilling journey. Feel free to leave comments, ask questions, or even share your hair journeys on my blog! Until next time <3